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Theo Ministries
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Biblical Studies
Christian Studies taken from within the Old and New Testament of the Christian Biblical Text
Church Outreach
Information relating to the Christian Church and it's Outreach to the world in which we live
Travel / Ministry
Information relating to ministerial travel and various aspects of biblical Christian outreach
Focused Messages
Scriptural Audio / Video based messages designed for the Christian Biblical Faith
Discover the living word of Jesus for yourself
The mission of Theo Ministries is to provide quality Christian Biblical information through a variety of Biblical and External study methods, thus enabling the believer in Christ Jesus to grow within their individual faith based life.
The argument of this site maintains that by using Church based information alongside  Academic methods of Christian Biblical Research and study the aim of this site is able to provide the individual Christian Believer with Biblical Information which will help that individual to study the Christian Biblical text and develop new ways of reading and biblical research.

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Our Ministerial Areas
Our mission is to provide quality Christian Biblical instruction through a variety of means of aproaching the Christian Biblical Text.
- Old Testament / Covenant Studies
- The Torah
- The Writings
- The Prophets
- The Twelve
- Apocalyptic Writings
- New Testament / Covenant Studies
- The synoptic Texts
- The Fourth Gospel
- The Book of Acts
- The Letters of Paul
- The Epistles
- Travel & Outreach
- Personal Travel
- Working with others
- Travel in other Cultures
- Understanding Translations
- Designing your message
Packer JJ
(1965), Fundamentalism and the Word of God, Inter Varsity Fellowship, London