Theo Ministries

This site makes no apology for transmitting the Christian Biblical message of Jesus Christ to the world in which I live!.  

My mission, that is the mission of 'Theo Ministries' is to provide an opportunity for  the Christian believer in Christ Jesus to embrace the physical word of the Christian Biblical text in a way that will inspire the reader to contemplate and acquire the spiritual inspiration of living text to themselves.  

The author of this site argues extensively that the Biblical text of the Christian Scriptures can completely change your perspectives as you embrace the stories and spiritual insights that are contained within its text.  



Why Choose Jesus ?

Why is it important?

Sound the Call !


How do we the believer understand the importance of the Contextual Christian Biblical Message in a world of variation?.


Spiritual Mission!

Our Missons & History

Faith is not always about words!  

Sometimes, action by the believer is required, so within these pages you will find many Mission Oriented projects which have been undertaken throughout the world by our team!

Plan Physically and Spiritually Before you Do Ministry!

Spiritual research is always a good way to start the process of planning Mission.

So we always start Mission with strategic spiritual plan.